REN 21 & United Nations Environment Program (UNEP, Paris,
Guidance and peer review of analysis of Global Renewable Status
reports of 2015 to 2018 on costs, impact and policy implications of
environmental programs at global, regional and country levels.
World Bank& AusAID (Washington, DC and Canberra, Australia): Design of policy framework and analytical tools to enhance impact of World
Bank intervention in extractive industries by helping countries overcome
institutional and governance dysfunctions through addressing key legal and
fiscal, management, organizational and transparency issues through development
Diagnostic tools to identify vulnerable areas requiring governance
Analytical approach and guidelines to develop implementation
strategies, including linkages to broader set of institutions to
enable the delivery of customized governance improvement reforms at
the project, sector, or where appropriate macro level;
Detailed project plans for the implementation of work in extractive
industries, based on the diagnostic tools and defined above, to
achieve the stated objectives.
World Bank Quality Assurance Methodologies (Washington, D.C.): Review of Quality Assessment practices, and recommendations, pilot testing
and mainstreaming of new methods to monitor quality at entry, during execution
and exit of Bank Group activities with appropriate attention to external
validation, for improved accountably and enhanced learning.
Inter-American Development Bank (Washington, DC): Member of External Panel to advice the President and Senior Management
on investigation and inspection vehicles, codes of conduct and other instruments
to establish controls and policies for anti-corruption activities.
UPM-Kymmene Corp (U.S-Finland): Development
of instruments to help associated corporations manage and track in an integrated
way, their Social Responsibilities Principles throughout their value added
chain (from mining of raw materials and suppliers worldwide to sale of finished
products to clients). This work includes support aimed at enhancing the ability
to monitor, manage and communicate sustainability performance, development
of indicators, and integrate sustainability performance into corporate decision
making processes and policies, particularly regarding:
social responsiveness, covering human resources management, business
ethics including corruption control, human rights, external
stakeholders including community relations
environmental management, covering sustainability programs,
developmental, load/impact practices, dialogue and management systems,
and associated certification and control arrangements;
quality and service effectiveness, covering customer satisfaction
processes and results, product development, quality improvement in
operations/processes, supplier management including logistics,
management systems and certification arrangements, and safety systems.
Transparency International (TI, Berlin, Germany):
Introduction and oversight of new effort leading to issuance of
The Corruption Fighters' Tool Kit, a compendium of practical civil
society anti-corruption experiences described in concrete and accessible
language, containing anti-corruption tools developed and implemented by
TI National Chapters and other civil society organizations from around
the world. The publication was followed by an independent evaluation of
impact and recommendations for future improvements.
Affiliated Network for Social Accountability in East and South Asia
(Manila. Philippines, Dacca, Bangladesh): Development and prototyping of multi-country assessments of governance
and anti-corruption programs in terms of their effectiveness, efficiency,
quality of design and associated key factors for improved performance and
enhanced support for design and implementation.
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat (Tokyo, Japan):
Development of framework for diagnosing and identifying energy/environmental
issues standing in the way for effective impact in the countries concerned,
and potential vehicles for peer reviews to enable development of action programs
and their associated monitoring, outlining criteria and processes for identifying,
managing and evaluating international initiatives.
Comisión Nacional de Energía – CNE (Santiago, Chile); Ministry of
Planning & Investment – MPI (Hanoi, Viet Nam): Benchmarking energy policies and practices pursued internationally regarding
their effectiveness, costs and impact on energy security, efficiency and
environmental implications, and issues and implications for the two countries
African Development Bank (Tunis, Tunisia): Development
of framework and operational guidelines to address sector governance and
corruption risk assessments in infrastructure projects and programs.
United Arab Emirates Ministry of International Cooperation and
Development — MICAD (Abu Dhabi, UAE):
Development of UAE's Foreign Aid Policy and Strategy, including:
(i) identification of priorities; (ii) modalities and vehicles for aid delivery
based on international experiences; (iii) identification of partnerships,
agendas and norms; (iv) human, financial and organizational implications;
and (v) metrics to track and evaluate performance of both strategy as well
as programs and projects, to enhance cooperation and operations for improved
economic development, and profile of UAE international assistance.